VB 101 Leg Press machine 45° degree


Leg Press machine 45° degree. Manufactured by LEGENDGYM (Europe, BY).

Category: professional leg machine.
45 degree plate loaded Leg press (with Calf Block) has been developed for effective and safe workouts. The machine is used for quadriceps training. Secondary load: gluteal muscles.
Fits for bodybuilding, athlete strength trainings. Tested by powerlifting athletes from Belarus.


  • Multi-adjustable seat position.
  • Ergonomic design protects knees, lower back, joints from impact stress.
  • Catch stops the carriage from lowering any further.
  • Platform turned by the linear bearing to adapt the shin bending.
  • Has strong welded frame, powder painted.
  • Made of steel profile 100х100 mm section with the 3 mm wall thickness.
  • Upholstery is from special wear-proof super-strong antistatic eco-leather.
  • Double non-slip handles.
  • The platform has 4 plate holders.
  • The frame has 4 additional plate holders.
  • The press platform has a horizontal handle for easy lifting and setting.
  • MAX plate's weight - 650 kg.

Length: 2560 mm;
Width: 1610 mm;
Height: 1650 mm;
Net weight: 270 kg;

Review of Leg Press machine 45° degree, plate loaded machine

Андрей Шипылюк , 27.05.2024 18:33:09
О, да! Наконец-то появился жим ногами с плавающей платформой! Лично его опробовал. Главная фишка в том, что чем ниже опускаете карету, тем больше носки уходят вперед и анатомично переносят нагрузку на переднюю поверхность бедра, а поднимая карету вверх, пятки уходят вперед, тем самым давая возможность максимально прожать квадрицепс. Супер тренажер!
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